About this exploration
This exploration is designed to help you identify the areas in life that you value and to let you see just how far you have tried to meet these values during the last year. It was developed by Luciano and Ortega in 2004 and is based on the work of Wilson et al. (2002).
Before you start, take note of the following points:
- Once you answer a question you cannot go back and change it, so think carefully before answering each question.
- At the end you will be shown your results and told how to interpret them.
What do you value in life?
Given the following list of life domains, mark those areas which you consider important in your life:
Marriage or Intimate Relationships - what would you like your partner to say about you, long-term, given the person you would like to be in your marriage or relationship?
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Marriage or Intimate Relationships - what would you like your partner to say about you, long-term, given the person you would like to be in your marriage or relationship?
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Sexual Relationships - what would you like your partner to say about you, long-term, given the person you would like to be in your sexual relationship?
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Sexual Relationships - what would you like your partner to say about you, long-term, given the person you would like to be in your sexual relationship?
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Family Relationships - what would you like your family to say about you, long-term, given the type of family member (e.g. brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother) you would like to be?
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Family Relationships - what would you like your family to say about you, long-term, given the type of family member (e.g. brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother) you would like to be?
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Friendships/Social Relationships - what would you like your friends to say about you, long-term, given the type of friend you would like to be?
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Friendships/Social Relationships - what would you like your friends to say about you, long-term, given the type of friend you would like to be?
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Employment - What would you like your employer and co-workers to say about you, given the type of person you would like to be in your work?
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Employment - What would you like your employer and co-workers to say about you, given the type of person you would like to be in your work?
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Physical Well-being - try to focus on those activities related to maintaining your physical well-being e.g. sleep, diet, exercise etc.
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Physical Well-being - try to focus on those activities related to maintaining your physical well-being e.g. sleep, diet, exercise etc.
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Education/Training - Try to focus on the educational activities or specialized training you would like to pursue.
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Education/Training - Try to focus on the educational activities or specialized training you would like to pursue.
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Recreation - Try to focus on the type of recreational activities you would like to do including hobbies, exercise etc.
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Recreation - Try to focus on the type of recreational activities you would like to do including hobbies, exercise etc.
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Spirituality - Try to focus on what spirituality means to you. This might be as simple as communing with nature, or as formal as participating in an organised religious group.
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Spirituality - Try to focus on what spirituality means to you. This might be as simple as communing with nature, or as formal as participating in an organised religious group.
1 = not influential and 10 = extremely influential
Citizenship - Try to focus on your participation in the community, such as volunteer work with the homeless, the elderly, conservation projects or other activities.
How much effort have you made in an attempt to be this person, in this area, over the last year?
1 = no effort and 10 = extreme effort
Citizenship - Try to focus on your participation in the community, such as volunteer work with the homeless, the elderly, conservation projects or other activities.
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Other Areas - What you would like people to say about you, long-term, given the type of person you would like to be in the areas specified?
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Other Areas - What you would like people to say about you, long-term, given the type of person you would like to be in the areas specified?
How much has accessing child pornography on the Internet influenced this area of your life?
1 = strongly disagree and 10 = strong agree
Social comfort
This exploration divides your answers into four scales – each scale represents how you have used the internet to meet certain needs. The graph converts your answers into a bar chart.
You can see from the graph below whether your score is ‘normal’ compared to the ‘average’ person, or whether it is extremely low or extremely high. If any of your individual scores are over 50, you should make a note of this and refer back to it when addressing your needs when you complete the Building a Good Life module.
Now you have completed the online cognition scale, understand more about your use of the internet and how it may affect your life, by going through our self-help module Online world.
You can print your results to keep a record if you wish.
This exploration divides your answers into four scales – each scale represents how you have used the internet to meet certain needs. The graph converts your answers into a bar chart.
You can see from the graph below whether your score is ‘normal’ compared to the ‘average’ person, or whether it is extremely low or extremely high. If any of your individual scores are over 50, you should make a note of this and refer back to it when addressing your needs when you complete the Building a Good Life module.
Now you have completed the online cognition scale, understand more about your use of the internet and how it may affect your life, by going through our self-help module Online world.
You can print your results to keep a record if you wish.
This exploration divides your answers into four scales – each scale represents how you have used the internet to meet certain needs. The graph converts your answers into a bar chart.
You can see from the graph below whether your score is ‘normal’ compared to the ‘average’ person, or whether it is extremely low or extremely high. If any of your individual scores are over 50, you should make a note of this and refer back to it when addressing your needs when you complete the Building a Good Life module.
Now you have completed the online cognition scale, understand more about your use of the internet and how it may affect your life, by going through our self-help module Online world.
You can print your results to keep a record if you wish.
This exploration divides your answers into four scales – each scale represents how you have used the internet to meet certain needs. The graph converts your answers into a bar chart.
You can see from the graph below whether your score is ‘normal’ compared to the ‘average’ person, or whether it is extremely low or extremely high. If any of your individual scores are over 50, you should make a note of this and refer back to it when addressing your needs when you complete the Building a Good Life module.
Now you have completed the online cognition scale, understand more about your use of the internet and how it may affect your life, by going through our self-help module Online world.
You can print your results to keep a record if you wish.