Concerned about your own thoughts or behaviour?

To access our online self-help resources, click on one of the sections below. These sections offer valuable information about the consequences of certain behaviours, available treatment programs, and the support you can receive. Rest assured that we prioritise your privacy and anonymity; we do not collect any personal information from our users. Both our website and Stop It Now helpline are completely anonymous and free of charge.

The self-help is divided into four sections, allowing you to work through them at your own pace. These sections will assist you in managing challenging emotions, understanding your thoughts and behaviours, and making positive changes in your life.

Ways to look after your wellbeing & self care

Self-help, information and support to help you look after yourself, motivate and manage change as well as help you have a better understanding of you feelings and emotions and how to deal with them.

Select one of the modules below based on your circumstances. Get help contains modules specific to online behaviour where as Get support contains modules specific to thoughts and behaviour. These modules can be difficult to work though and therefore we advise that you go back to the section above relating to wellbeing at any point in your journey. 

Are you worried about your online behaviour?

Self-help, information and support to stop the viewing sexual images of children or having sexual conversations with children online.  

Are you worried about inappropriate thoughts or behaviour?

Self-help, information and support for people troubled by their sexual thoughts about children and young people. Help to cope with unwanted feelings and manage problematic behaviour.

Information and support to encourage you to move forward positively

Self-help, information and support to help you continue moving forward, disclose your offending and build a fulfilling and positive life.

If you have any concerns, or questions, or would just like to talk about what you are going through, our non-judgemental helpline advisors are here to support you. You can stay anonymous and don’t have to give your real name or any contact details. If you’re not ready to speak to anyone yet, you can also use our live chat or send a secure email.

Great service, has been very helpful, given me useful information and has been helpful in relieving some of my worries.

Learn more about yourself and help with research

A research team from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada is conducting this survey to learn more about psychological and situational factors that may encourage or discourage unconventional behaviour online and in the “real world”. We are looking for participants who are at least 18 years old and able to read English. You have a 1 in 50 chance of winning an Amazon voucher worth $25 US!

Your answers will be completely anonymous (that is, not tied to you in any way). No information that could be used to identify you will be connected with your survey responses.You will be asked to answer a series of questions about yourself, your childhood and your current situation. You may find some of the questions helpful in reflecting on your own attitudes, behaviours and feelings. Several questions concern sexual attitudes and behaviours. Answering the questions only takes about 15-20 minutes.

Contact us

Our confidential helpline is free and available to anyone concerned about the safety of children.

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