Worried about your online behaviour?

This website is anonymous and confidential. We don’t track individual users.

You may have reached this page because you typed in a search term that is linked to sexual images of under 18s, you might have done this intentionally or by accident. Viewing these causes harm to children and could lead to your arrest.

Maybe you made the search because you’re curious about illegal videos or because you’re bored with what you’ve already seen. You might have noticed you already spend far more time watching pornography than you really want to. For more information about pornography and how you can manage your usage, click here.

Viewing and making these videos causes harm to yourself and to others. We can provide confidential support to help change your attitudes and behaviour for the better.

There is help available to stop.

Find out more if you’re concerned about how the internet is affecting your behaviour and want support to change. This website is written in English but you can use Google translate or your preferred online translator, if necessary.

We can give you anonymous support to change – send us a confidential and secure message or use our live chat (a translate service is available on our live chat).

We’ve helped thousands of people to change their behaviour. We can help you too.

Contact us

Our confidential helpline is free and available to anyone concerned about the safety of children.

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