Whether a particular fantasy is considered inappropriate can vary from person to person; for example it is more appropriate for a 20 year old person to have sexual fantasies about a 18 year old, than a 60 year old person.

Now let’s see how much you understand fantasy.

Exercise 2: Fantasy knowledge

Read each example of a fantasy below and consider whether you think each one is an appropriate or inappropriate fantasy. 

A fantasy about a past sexual partner that you loved and cared for.

Answer: This would be an appropriate fantasy and it is ok to have this fantasy as it is depicting a scenario which is non-abusive. However, if this fantasy is about a sexual relationship you had when you were under 16, this would be inappropriate. Also, if you now have a new partner you need to consider how healthy this is for you and whether it will affect your new sexual relationship.

A fantasy about your employer making you angry, so you slam their office door and force them to engage in sexual activity.

Answer: This is an inappropriate fantasy. Forcing someone to do something sexual against their will is illegal.

A fantasy about an adult engaging in sexual activity with another adult wearing school uniform.

Answer: If the fantasy depicts two consenting adults who want to dress up in school uniform then this could be an appropriate fantasy. However, if you have been accessing indecent images of children, it would be inappropriate because you could be reinforcing your inappropriate thoughts about children.

A fantasy about sexual activity with a 15 year old who said they want to have sex.

Answer: This is an inappropriate fantasy. A child needs to be 16 years old to consent to sexual activity and 18 to consent to images of them to be shared. Regardless of how old you are, sexual activity with a child is illegal.

A fantasy about sexual activity with an attractive adult stranger you saw walking down the road that day.

Answer: If you fantasise about meeting each other and consenting to this activity, then it would be appropriate.

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