Practical changes

If you decide it would be helpful for you to reduce your use of adult pornography, or stop looking at it completely, then here are some changes you can make to help.
  • If you live with other people, only go online or use your phone, tablet or computer in a shared space, for example the kitchen or living room. Knowing that other people can see your screen can reduce how likely you are to look at adult pornography.
  • If you usually use your phone, tablet or laptop late at night, don’t take it to bed with you or charge it in the bedroom.
  • Set restrictions or activate parental controls on your internet connection. This can stop you from being able to connect to websites with adult pornography. Find out how to set restrictions.
  • If someone knows you are trying to reduce your adult pornography use, ask them to help. Some apps allow a trusted friend or family member to see your internet history, which can motivate you to avoid adult pornography. Check out Covenant Eyes.
  • If you don’t have someone to support you, NoFap might help – it’s a website and support group designed to help users overcome porn addiction, porn overuse, and compulsive sexual behaviour.

Relaxation techniques

Using mindfulness, meditation and guided visualisation can help manage emotional triggers to online pornography use. Use a technique that works for you, which you can plan and rehearse in advance. Find out more about relaxation techniques.

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