The last section might have seemed a bit negative but it’s important to be realistic – those risks and temptations do exist. But you still have the ability to build a good life without resuming past behaviours.

Practical stepts to relapse prevention planning

Make sure you have made all the practical changes to reduce the risk of temptation. You can revisit these from previous sections: make changes to your thoughts or behaviour towards children or your online behaviour.

Complete the relapse prevention plan on the last page to make sure you have identified ways you are going to cope with risky thoughts, feelings, behaviours, people and places.

Is there anyone you feel close to who you might confide in? Sometimes just talking can make it feel much better. They might even be willing to be a support person for you – someone you can contact when things seem difficult. If you don’t feel there’s anyone you can talk to, remember you can talk to our helpline or the SamaritansThey will always be there and always willing to listenThey are also completely anonymous.

It’s really important to understand that stopping offending isn’t only about things you can’t do or shouldn’t do. You’re here because you want to feel better and live better. The last section will give you some ideas on how to do that.

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