Online relationships

We all have an idea of how we come across to other people. How we act can be affected by the situation we are in and the people we are with.

Think about how you might present yourself differently at work compared to when you’re with friends and how this might be different again when with family.

Some people feel that they can be very different online compared to how they are ‘in the real world’.

Offline versus online

How would you describe yourself offline? Make a note of all the words below and any others that describe you.

How would you describe yourself online? Make a note of all the words below and any others that describe you.

What differences are there between your online and offline selves? Are there qualities about your online self that you like and wish you could transfer into the real world? Make a note of them and they can be a starting point for goals you set in planning for a good life.

Why are we different online?

It is often easier to relate to others online. They might share our interests, accept us more easily and make us feel important or powerful. Unless we choose to let others online see us as we really are, we can pretend to be whoever we want to be. Online relationships in some ways make fewer demands.

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