By using this website, you have recognised that you have a behaviour you want to change and are at least in the preparation stage. Move into action and start the self-help modules today. Anyone who commits themselves to change is able to change, even if they have tried in the past without success. With the right tools, you can move forward.

You need to take one step at a time, do not rush through it. Our role is to ask the right questions not give you the answers; you need to engage in the work and reflect on your life.

My goals exercise

Spend some time thinking about some positive goals that will help you move towards being the person you want to be. It is important to set goals in manageable bite-size ways that make them more achievable which, in turn, makes change even more likely.

It may help you to focus on the following five key areas of well-being; routine, sleep, nutrition, movement and social contact. When we are not feeling our best, these things tend to slip but when we are at our most peaceful, it’s usually because the above needs are being met.

Example: my goals for the next week

    • Routine: I will get up at 7am every day, and have a list of things I will do in the day such as washing or cleaning, which I will tick off once completed.
    • Sleep: I will not go online after 9pm, I will create a sleep routine (for example, hot drink, bath, reading) and be in bed by 11pm.
    • Nutrition: I will eat three meals per day and cook one healthy meal per week.
    • Movement: I will go for a 10-minute walk each day.
    • Contact: I will call a friend I haven’t spoken to recently, or talk to someone serving me in a shop.

You can achieve these goals and you have taken the first step to change. Be proud that you have started this journey and let us support you as you take the next steps.

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