Although sexual behaviour can be influenced by numerous factors, it is not outside of your control. Sexual offending is not something that just happens on the spur of moment and often appears as a cycle or pattern that can become automatic and can occur repeatedly, becoming somewhat part of a routine.
Thoughts include all mental activity; ideas, opinions, beliefs, values, judgements and impressions. Thoughts are the voice in our head which govern what we do. We are not always aware of our thoughts but they are always there.
Thoughts can be automatic, fleeting or more prolonged. Thought processes provide us with the capacity to reason, use logic, common sense and put ideas together. Your mind is seldom empty of thoughts; even when you are asleep your mind is active.
Feelings are emotions and moods that often occur after thoughts and are internal reactions to things going on around and within us. Thoughts and feelings are closely linked; either one may happen first, closely followed by the other.
Behaviour is what you do; your actions as a result of what you think and feel.
Behaviour, thoughts and feelings are connected. Problematic sexual behaviour is influenced by problematic sexual thoughts and feelings, so in order to stop this behaviour, it is important to become aware of the nature of the thoughts and feelings and to manage/change them.
The diagram below demonstrates how thoughts, feelings and behaviour are connected, and interact and influence one another. Sometimes people are able to take responsibility for their behaviour but struggle to understand the thoughts and feelings that were driving the behaviour. If you have engaged in problematic behaviour, these modules can help you to explore the thoughts and feelings underpinning that behaviour.
If you are worried about your sexual thoughts, but have not acted on those thoughts, we hope these modules will help you to gain a greater understanding and put measures in place to manage them.