Please complete the following wellbeing assessment that will ask about your physical, social, mental, spiritual and emotional self-care.
Considering the below what score would you give your physical self-care out of 10?
Physical self-care
If we are looking after our bodies, we will be able to think and feel better too. Ask yourself these questions:- are you getting enough sleep? (Seven or more hours a night is recommended for adults)
- are you eating healthily and giving your body what it needs? (Are you eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day)
- are you exercising enough? (The NHS recommends some type of physical activity every day)
- are you looking after your health? (For example, seeing a doctor if you are unwell or taking prescribed medication as instructed)
Considering the below what score would you give your social self-care out of 10?
Social self-care
We all have different needs but connection with other people can help deal with stress, reduce loneliness and help to have fun. Ask yourself these questions:- do you give enough time to connect with others?
- do all of your connections leave you feeling positive?
- do some of your connections leave you feeling not so good?
Considering the below what score would you give your mental self-care out of 10?
Mental self-care
The way that we think influences our psychological wellbeing. Mental self-care includes taking part in activities or hobbies that we enjoy and using positive self-talk. Ask yourself these questions:- are you making enough time for activities that mentally stimulate you?
- are you doing proactive things to stay well mentally?
- is your self-talk generally positive or negative?
Considering the below what score would you give your spiritual self-care out of 10?
Spiritual self-care
Whether we draw strength from meditation, taking a walk in the park, attending a religious service or praying, spiritual self-care is important too. Ask yourself these questions:- are you engaging in any activities or practices that you find fulfilling?
- are you involved in anything that helps you develop a deeper sense of meaning, understanding, or connection?
Considering the below what score would you give your emotional self-care out of 10?
Emotional self-care
It is important for us to recognise, acknowledge and express our feelings on a regular basis. These help us to better understand ourselves. Ask yourself these questions:- do you feel able to share your feelings with others?
- do you have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with difficult emotions, anxiety, or low self-esteem?
- do you have activities in your life that help to make you feel revitalised?
Understanding your self-care score
your score suggests self-care hasn’t been important to you. A good starting point would be focusing on healthy eating, daily exercise (a 10-minute walk counts), and a healthy sleep routine.
Understanding your self-care score
you’re engaging in some self-care behaviours but there’s room for improvement. Begin working on recognising the importance of self-care and try to factor it into your daily life.
Understanding your self-care score
it sounds like you’re consciously incorporating self-care into your daily life. Perhaps there is one particular area that is low scoring where you could focus your attention.
Understanding your self-care score
self-care must be important to you and an area that you consciously give attention to. Keep prioritising it. Read the strategies below to see if there’s anything you could add to what you are already doing.