Help for professionals

We help professionals and volunteers who work with adults and young people who pose a risk to children, as well as their families. The public expects everyone who works with children and families to know how to prevent child sexual abuse and to have all the answers. We understand that this isn’t always the case. The experienced advisors on our anonymous Stop It Now helpline can support you and the people you work with by providing:

  • practical tips for working with your client
  • clear advice/suitable next steps
  • discussion and exploration around risk and safeguarding
  • alternative sources for information and guidance
  • relevant follow-up services and resources for your client
  • ongoing support

We’re part of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, which has many ways to support you.

  • We run training for frontline workers, volunteers and organisations to further their understanding of child sexual abuse, sexual offending and how best to safeguard children.
  • Our specialist assessments, interventions and consultancy  help organisations like children’s services, adults’ services, education and health services, and more.

Help for the people you work with

There are many ways that we can help the groups of people that we work with. From support and advice, to self-help and educational programmes. 


Our completely anonymous and free-of-charge self-help resources are available to help you explore, understand and address your sexual thoughts and behaviour towards children.

We use the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over 30 years of working with perpetrators of child sexual abuse to develop and regularly review this online self-help material. We encourage professionals to support people to work through these modules, starting with self-care. 


Our Inform Plus and Engage Plus programmes are designed to address the deep-rooted issues that lead to illegal online behaviour.

The goal of Inform Plus is to help people stop viewing indecent images of children and Engage Plus helps stop online sexual communication with children. 


Additional resources and information available

Support and advice


Our Inform programme is for partners, families and friends of anyone who has been arrested, cautioned or convicted for internet offences involving sexual images of children or sexual communication with children.


Our Family and Friends Forum is a safe space for the loved ones of people who have been viewing sexual images of children or sexually communicating with a child online, to seek support from others in similar situations.


We also provide advice through our leaflets for the loved ones of people convicted of or arrested for child sexual offences.

Help and advice


We provide advice through our leaflet for anyone who knows a young person arrested for child sexual offences.  

Inform young people

Our Inform Young People Programme is an educational programme for young people in trouble with the police, their school or college for inappropriate use of technology and the internet.  


Our Shore website is designed especially for young people who have concerns about their own or someone else’s sexual thoughts or behaviour.

If you have any concerns, questions, or would just like to talk about what you are going through, our non-judgemental helpline advisors are here to support you. You can stay anonymous and don’t have to give your real name or any contact details. If you’re not ready to speak to anyone yet, you can also use our live chat or send a secure email.

Contact us

Our confidential helpline is free and available to anyone concerned about the safety of children.

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