Self help modules:


What do we mean by a compulsion or addictive behaviour?


This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of the following:

  • The difference between addiction and compulsion
  • What role addiction played in your on-line behaviour
  • How you can start to address your addictions

Module chapters

What do we mean by a compulsion or addictive behaviour?
It's not my fault?
Wrong – the first time you engaged in illegal online sexual behaviour, you knew it was wrong, you weren’t addicted then but you went back and did it again
Dealing with addiction
It is really important to look at the motivation for your behaviour and the emotions you are avoiding.
Reflection: addiction
Reflect back on what you have learnt about addiction


What do we mean by a compulsion or addictive behaviour?

Compulsive: defined as performing an act persistently and repetitively without it necessarily leading to an actual reward or pleasure.

Addiction: is a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences.

Typically an individual becomes dependent on something to reduce the pain of certain emotions. Usually they get pleasure the first time they try it and then they return to the behaviour to get the same feeling of pleasure. Continual usage leads to a reliance on the behaviour to feel normal which ultimately leads to psychological dependence.

Starting Point

Think about your use of adult pornography, online chats and sexual images of children and using the definitions above think about whether they were compulsive or addictive?

Adult pornographyAddictive
Sexual images of childrenAddictive
Chatting online sexually (with children or adults)Addictive

If you are still not sure here is a quiz that might help:

The more questions you agree with, the more likely that you feel addicted to your illegal online behaviour. If you agreed with any of the statements, you might find this module helpful.

  • Meeting 2-3 of the criteria indicates a mild addiction
  • Meeting 4-5 of the criteria indicates a moderate addiction
  • Meeting 6-7 of the criteria indicates a severe addiction

It's not my fault?

It’s an addiction, so it’s not my fault – right?

Wrong – the first time you engaged in illegal online sexual behaviour, you knew it was wrong, you weren’t addicted then but you went back and did it again. This is because you prioritised the pleasure you got over the harm it caused others and each time you went back you could still have chosen a different path. Yes, it will have got harder to stop over time but you still had a choice. What’s important is that you now see this and are doing something about it.

So if you have recognised an addictive element to your offending, you need to understand more about it. Why do you think your use of the internet became addictive? What emotions were you avoiding/covering up?

You will need to look at reasons or motivations behind your addiction. You have already started looking at motivations for your offending and triggers to your behaviour. Think about the following questions:

  • Have I ever had other addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gambling?
  • Do I always use quick fixes (sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling) to feel better?
  • If I didn’t get a rewarding feeling from my online behaviour why did I repeat it?
  • What was happening in my life at the times my addiction was at its worst? (it can help to look back to your life line from module 1)

Health warning:

It is quite common that people replace one addiction with another. Be aware of this and if you have found that you have had other addictions in the past or other current addictions you may need to get specific support to address these. There are a number of organisations that may be helpful for specific addictions, such as Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)Gamblers Anonymous (GA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Dealing with addiction

How to deal with addiction and compulsion

It is really important to look at the motivation for your behaviour and the emotions you are avoiding. If you don’t you will only mask the problem. However, whilst addressing the underlying motivations for your addictions there are also techniques that can be used to manage urges to go on-line and engage in illegal online sexual behaviour, as set out below:
  • Restructuring/challenging – rehearsed self-talk.
  • Active distraction – pro-actively distracting self from fantasy, e.g. computer game, conversation.
  • Tell a safe person – someone from your support network, Stop It Now! helpline. Thought stopping – physical prompt to stop fantasy e.g. elastic band around your wrist.
  • Urge surfing – ride the urge without acting on it, know it will pass.
  • Fantasy blocker – think of “worst case” consequence – e.g. prison or being caught in the act by partner.
  • Escape route – physically remove self from where you are having the fantasy e.g. turn off the computer, go for a walk.
  • Relaxation techniques – use appropriate guided visualisation that works for you – this should be something that has been planned and rehearsed in advance.
A long term technique for managing addiction is self-care – including taking an interest in diet, social life, personal hygiene and exercise. Having an interest in this area can then be drawn on to use in the above techniques e.g. for ‘active distraction’ going to the gym or cooking a meal. Make a list which of these techniques you will find most useful or will try using. It is important to review how well you are managing your urges and the techniques which work well for you. Downloading the diary below can be a way of doing this.
Situation (day, time, mood, location)Strength of urge (1= low, 10 = high)Technique usedStrength of urge after (1= low, 10 = high)
At home, late at night, bored and lonely10Active distraction – doing a Sudoku puzzle5

This can also be used to help you recognise patterns when your urge to engage in illegal online sexual behaviour is strongest or what moods are linked to the urges. This awareness will help with your relapse prevention and risk management.

Reflection: addiction


Now, consider the following questions:

  • How has your understating of addiction and compulsion helped you understand your online behaviour?
  • What are you doing to address your underlying motivations? What else do you need to do?
  • What is the most effective way to manage your urges and triggers?
  • How in control of your behaviour do you feel? What could improve this?

If you want to discuss anything covered in this module, have struggled with working through the self-help material or just want the opportunity to work through the self-help site with a practitioner to guide you then please call the Stop It Now! Helpline for confidential support from our trained staff.

Concerned about your online behaviour

Many people who have engaged in online sexual behaviour involving children believe that there is a ‘grey area’ between what is legal and illegal. There is not.

View modules

This module will help you explore and understand your current sexual and non-sexual fantasies, and the link between your fantasies and your online behaviour

Fantasies can be about a range of different things and everybody will have their own reasons for engaging in a fantasy
Exercise: When fantasy becomes a problem
A good starting point in considering if your fantasies are problematic is to look at your fantasies in more detail.
Appropriate versus inappropriate fantasy
So what are appropriate and inappropriate fantasies? We split inappropriate fantasies into three sections
Exercise: Fantasy knowledge
Understanding the issues around fantasy
Exercise: Inappropriate fantasy
Fantasies do not automatically lead to behaviours, but they do increase your likeliness of wanting to ‘play out’ particular fantasies.
Exercise: a fantasy management technique
Many individuals use fantasy management techniques to help stop having these harmful sexual fantasies.
Reflection: fantasy
What have you learnt about your fantasies?

If you are concerned about your worrying or illegal online sexual behaviour and want to stop this behaviour, it is important for you to learn as much as possible about yourself and what you are doing.

Understanding why
If you are concerned about your worrying or illegal online sexual behaviour and want to stop this behaviour, it is important for you to learn as much as possible about yourself and what you are doing
Exercise 1: internet use
You might already have some understanding of why you have been or are tempted to behave illegally online
Exercise 2: timeline
The second exercise is in three parts and looks back over your life to help you think about how you started behaving illegally online
Reflection: understanding why
As with the introduction to this module, using the table below, write down your current level of knowledge and understanding about your online behaviour.

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding your level of control over your current online sexual behaviours, how you have used denial to allow your problematic behaviour to continue and how to make immediate changes to start the change process.

Triggers: taking control
How does feeling out of control affect your mood?
It is important that you recognise that making changes can be hard and so people can easily go back into old habits
Reflection: taking control of your online behaviour
Has this module raised any further questions for you or made you want to explore any ideas further?

Sexual offending happens in the offline and online world. But some people we work with often tell us they would not have offended without the internet, apps or smartphones.

Online world
Sexual offending happens in the offline and online world.
Online behaviour
Some people we work with say they behaved in a way online that they wouldn’t have done in the offline world.
Online relationships
We all have an idea of how we come across to other people.
Exercise 3: So what is the problem with online relationships?
When we engage with people online and form friendships, it is usually around something specific, for example the sexual images of children.
Exercise 4 and 5: Online world
Some people don’t have as many offline relationships as they would like.
Reflection: online world
Think about what has prompted you to take action

This module will help you understand, different types of triggers and your own triggers

A ‘trigger’ is also called a cue, prompt or call to action.
Situational and environmental risks
Some places and situations present specific risks and triggers for people, for example being alone at home late at night with internet access
Reflection: triggers
Think about the triggers you have identified.

If you are viewing legal adult pornography then this is your choice and we are not here to shame you for using it or to tell you to stop. But this self-help section will encourage you to think about whether viewing legal adult pornography is helpful or harmful for you.

Adult pornography
If you are viewing legal adult pornography then this is your choice and we are not here to shame you for using it or to tell you to stop
When viewing adult pornography becomes a problem
People who think that the way they look at adult pornography is out of their control might say it is like an addiction to alcohol or drugs
What is a trigger?
A trigger is something that affects how you are feeling, which then affects how you behave.
Many people have problems with limiting the amount of time they spend viewing adult pornography or how often they view it
Managing your adult pornography use
If you decide it would be helpful for you to reduce your use of adult pornography, or stop looking at it completely, then here are some changes you can make to help.
Self-care and tips
Feeling negative effects when you give up pornography is normal.

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of how you can start to address your addictions.

What do we mean by a compulsion or addictive behaviour?
It’s not my fault?
Wrong – the first time you engaged in illegal online sexual behaviour, you knew it was wrong, you weren’t addicted then but you went back and did it again
Dealing with addiction
It is really important to look at the motivation for your behaviour and the emotions you are avoiding.
Reflection: addiction
Reflect back on what you have learnt about addiction

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of your motivation for engaging sexually with children online, how your behaviour progressed into sexual communication and how you might have justified your behaviour.

Sexual communication with children online
Sexual communication with a child is often referred to as online grooming.
The different groups
Some people tell us that their interaction with children was not only motivated by sex.
Different stages
In order to understand more about how to avoid situations which may lead to you communicating sexually with a child in the future
The cycle of online grooming
Some people find it more helpful to think of their behaviour as following a repeated pattern rather than, for example, the stages set out above
The child’s perspective
Many people do not believe they are harming children when they communicate with them sexually on the internet.
Reflection: sexual communication with children online
Understanding more about your behaviour online can help you to consider what changes you need to make to stop the behaviour and move forward positively

This module will help you understand the false justifications offenders use to avoid responsibility for their actions, that these images are of real children being abused and the effects of being photographed on the children in the image.

Images are children
It’s likely that you will have used self-justifications to persuade yourself that it is ok to allow yourself to view sexual images of children
Exercise 1: understanding and responding to justifications
For people to allow themselves to view sexual images of children, they will generally be using a number of self-justifications to persuade themselves that it is ok to do what they are doing
‘Consent’ means to give permission for something to happen.
Exercise 2: Empathy
‘Empathy’ means trying to understand what another person is thinking and feeling, or “putting yourself into their shoes”
The effects on the child
Psychologists have tried to look at what it means to the child to be photographed and for these photographs to be used in a sexual way
Exercise 3: effects on you
Consider how you would feel about how close you could get to the child abuse taking place
Images are children: reflection
Your level of knowledge and understanding around your awareness of the child abuse taking place in these images

This module aims to help you to explore and gain understanding of why you collect, how it links to your offending and the relationship between collecting and some of the unsatisfactory aspects of your life.

Problematic collecting
For some people, collecting – and cataloguing, organising and all the other stuff that goes with it – can seem a big part of their offending
Exercise 2: when collecting is a problem
If you are collecting sexual images of children, then this is always a problem because it is harmful to both you and the children in the images
Exercise 3: why collect sexual images of children
Of all the things you could collect, why collect sexual images of children?
Exercise 4: justifications
A lot of people will have known that their collecting was wrong, but still continued to do it anyway
Reflection: problematic collecting
What have you learnt about yourself? What are you going to do?

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of why immediate gratification is so powerful and how to manage the desire of immediate gratification.

Problem of immediate gratification
understand why you prioritised your immediate needs despite the consequences
Problem of immediate gratification – reflection
Understanding the issues around fantasy

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