Self help modules:

Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviours

This module helps you to develop strategies to help you deal with difficult thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


This module aims to help you to:

  • Develop strategies to manage unhealthy sexual thoughts and behaviours
  • Understand how common thinking errors can affect progress

Module chapters

Management strategies
Strategies to manage inappropriate thoughts and behaviours
Common thinking errors
How you think about a situation can impact on your ability to successfully address thinking patterns or behaviour

Management strategies

So you have identified which of your sexual thoughts or behaviours are inappropriate. We are now going to focus on strategies to manage them. For some people this will be easy, but for others it will take time, hard work, a lot of willpower and heaps of self-control. You are not alone if you feel it is too hard to control these thoughts, fantasies and behaviours but YOU ARE IN CONTROL and you can make a choice as to how much attention you choose to give to them.

Next time you have an unhealthy sexual thought or urge, you can try to use one of these to help you stop. The more you use these, the more you will learn what works more effectively for you. It may be that you need to practice them or use a combination of these to find the best way for you.

Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from the situation in which we are fantasising. Get up, get out of that room, leave the house if you have to. Go anywhere that stops you from having that sexual fantasy. Put yourself around people so that you can’t masturbate.

Do something that prevents you from thinking about a fantasy. This could be reading, watching TV, going for a walk or ringing a friend. Anything that takes your thoughts away from that fantasy and engages your brain.

Engage in a relaxation technique that works for you. This should be planned and rehearsed in advance. Techniques include, for example, guided visualisation, breathing exercises, mindfulness or yoga.

You can ask yourself questions to remind yourself of the consequences of engaging in the thought/fantasy or behaviour. Be firm with yourself. ‘Why am I having this thought, fantasy or urge; what good is it actually going to do me?’

You could also ask about the consequences to implant fear. ‘What would happen if someone walked in and could see what I was thinking about?’ ‘I know if I keep having this thought, I am more likely to act on this fantasy; what are the consequences if I was caught?’.

Change the ending or the subject of your fantasy. For example, if you are beginning to indulge in fantasy about a child you have seen, change the child to an adult. In order to gain the same satisfaction, this will probably not be an immediate solution, but you could start by changing small features like hairstyle or body form and over time change the whole situation. In contrast, try a different fantasy all together which is new and exciting…. and healthy!

Imagine someone walking in to your fantasy and catching you. This person has to be someone who you would never want to find out, like a close friend or family member. Or maybe the police. Note that this technique should not be used if you are aroused by the idea of someone finding out.

Imagine your fantasy as being like a giant wave. It will build and build to a peak and then suddenly go the other way and decline in intensity. If you do not masturbate, eventually the urge to do so will go away. This happens with all urges, not just sexual urges; for example if you are craving chocolate, eventually this craving will go away. Urges never stay, they usually are at their worst for 20 minutes. Reminding yourself that it will pass can be a helpful way to stop yourself from acting on it.

As a long term strategy then eating well, exercising, sleeping and relaxation; all of these contribute to a happier, healthier you. If you ensure all these are in check, you will find managing sexual fantasies much easier. You can look back to the self-care module for more information.

The most important thing is to praise yourself for your success. If you are able to stop a particular fantasy, congratulate yourself. Treat yourself to something nice to eat or do something you enjoy. Stopping fantasies can be difficult, especially if you are used to having them, so you need to give yourself credit for that.

Common thinking errors

Sometimes how you think about a situation can impact on your ability to successfully address thinking patterns or behaviour. These are known as common thinking errors.

  • ‘All or nothing’ thinking – For example I will never masturbate again to stop my attraction to children without thinking of how to manage sexual needs.
  • Over-generalising – over generalising from one specific experience/situation to expectations of future experiences eg I couldn’t stop my fantasy so I won’t try again.
  • Shoulds/musts – rigid expectations of what you or others should do, or of what should happen in life. This can include the things that you believe ‘must’ happen in order for you to be happy eg I have to have a sexual relationship to be happy.
  • Selective filtering – only paying attention to certain types of information (typically discounting positive information) eg a particular person rejected me
  • Jumping to conclusions – eg thinking this is just the way I am.
  • Catastrophizing – over-reacting to perceived negative events or setbacks, g. a lapse results in giving up.

Read through the common thinking errors below and see if any apply to you.  When you notice yourself thinking in this way, challenge the thought by asking yourself how true it is, what evidence you have to support it and whether you have any counter-evidence to suggest the thought is not based in truth. Think about how you can replace the thinking error with more realistic thoughts.

Wellbeing and self-care

These sections will help you learn healthy ways to communicate, express yourself and challenge negative self-talk to improve your self-esteem.

View modules

This module aims to help you focus on looking after yourself so that you are able to undertake any changes needed to address your thoughts and behaviour.

What is self-care?
Self-care means being mindful of our own needs to improve our own physical, mental and emotional health
Wellbeing assessment
If we are looking after our bodies, we will be able to think and feel better too
Exercise 1: setting self-care goals
Some self-care strategies are straightforward and easy to use on a daily basis, and others need more practice and attention but are hugely worthwhile
Self-care strategies
There are many strategies that can be helpful when feeling anxious, stressed discomfort, or emotional distress.
Exercise 2: using self-care strategies
Having thought about, and hopefully practiced, some of the self-care techniques, think about what you can add to your self-care plan
Useful organisations
Additional, useful organisations if you are concerned about your self-care
The importance of sleep
Most people say that good quality sleep is important to their general sense of well-being
Reflection: self-care
Self-care is an important element in your journey to understanding your risky online behaviour and moving away from it, towards a better future

The exercises in this module aim to help you get more in tune with your body so that you notice how it is responding in different situations.

Recognising and dealing with feelings
Emotions are the sensations in the body as a result of something that happens to us.
How thoughts affect feelings
Our thoughts, values and beliefs all affect how we interpret our emotions
Dealing with anger, worry and stress
The following will help you deal with some common negative emotions but can also be applied to others.
Reflection: recognising and dealing with feelings
Reflecting on what you learnt about your feelings and emotions

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of the interaction between thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can notice inappropriate sexual fantasies and behaviours.

The link between thoughts, feelings and behaviour
Although sexual behaviour can be influenced by numerous factors, it is not outside of your control
Exercise 1: Understanding thoughts, feelings and behaviours
You need to change the problematic thoughts and feelings which influence your behaviour
Exercise 2: Understanding thoughts, feelings and behaviours
Remember that sexual thoughts, whatever they are, don’t determine behaviour by themselves
Sexual fantasy
A sexual fantasy can lead to a physical response in our body and/or a bodily response can trigger a sexual fantasy
Exercise: Fantasy diary
Create a fantasy diary to keep a record of your fantasies

This module helps you to develop strategies to help you deal with difficult thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Management strategies
Strategies to manage inappropriate thoughts and behaviours
Common thinking errors
How you think about a situation can impact on your ability to successfully address thinking patterns or behaviour

Identify where you are in your readiness to make changes and take initial steps to change harmful behaviours.

The stages of change
‘Change’ means different things for different people and each person will have different goals when using this guide.
Setting goals
Think about some positive goals that will help you move towards being the person you want to be
Short term changes to your concerning thoughts and behaviour
It can also be useful to make some changes specifically connected to problematic behaviour.

The conversations you have with yourself can be destructive or beneficial. They influence how you feel about yourself and how you respond to events in your life. This module helps you recognise negative self-talk and change your inner voice.

What you say to yourself in your mind is called self-talk.
Changing negative to positive self-talk
You need to be aware of the nature of your self-talk and be determined to shift any negative thinking to positive
Reflection: self-talk
Keep a diary for a week of any negative things you say to yourself.

The role self-esteem plays in helping create an offence free life.

Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to other people
Feeling positive and healthy
It is also important to feel positive and healthy
Learn to be assertive
People with low self-esteem often struggle to be assertive; this can be because they don’t feel they deserve to be listened to
Reflection: self esteem and assertiveness
Self-praise is an important part of improving your self-esteem, while it may feel uncomfortable at first

This module aims to help you recognise if you’re feeling shame and ways you can overcome it so that you can build a positive and offence free life.

What are guilt and shame?
Guilt and shame are often talked about as the same emotions but there are some key differences.
Exercise: recognising shame
We can experience and recognise shame in different ways, including physical, emotional and behavioural signs.
How to deal with shame
Techniques you can use to manage your feelings of shame
Guilt and shame – reflection
Holding on to shame can affect your ability to move forward positively

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