Self help modules:

Self-esteem and assertiveness

The role self-esteem plays in helping create an offence free life.


This module aims to help you explore and gain an understanding of the following:

  • What self-esteem is and how to increase it
  • Importance of being healthy and positive
  • How to become more assertive

Module chapters

Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to other people
Feeling positive and healthy
It is also important to feel positive and healthy
Learn to be assertive
People with low self-esteem often struggle to be assertive; this can be because they don’t feel they deserve to be listened to
Reflection: self esteem and assertiveness
Self-praise is an important part of improving your self-esteem, while it may feel uncomfortable at first


Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to other people.

Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, our work – nearly every part of our lives. If you have low self-esteem, your beliefs about yourself will often be negative. You are likely to focus on your weaknesses and on mistakes that you have made, and may find it hard to recognise the positive parts of your personality.

Positive thinking and behaviour can contribute to higher levels of self-esteem.

Exercise 1: What can I do to build my self-esteem?

Now think about other fantasies you have had and answer the same questions.

Do you see themes developing? Do you tend to have fantasies when you are in a particular mood or at a certain time of day? You may find that sexual fantasies follow slightly different themes to non-sexual fantasies. Make a note of these differences.

To increase your self-esteem, you need to challenge and change the negative beliefs you have about yourself. This might feel like a difficult task, but there are a lot of different techniques you can try to help you. Below are some of the things that might help and some questions to get you started:

Do something you enjoy

Doing something that you enjoy and are good at, can help build your confidence and increase your self-esteem. This could be anything from paid work, volunteering, caring for someone or something or a hobby.

Identify three things you currently do that you enjoy.

Now think of three things you would like to do.

Build positive relationships

Try to associate with people who will not put you down and whom you feel able to talk to about your feelings. If you spend time around positive and supportive people, you are more likely to have a better self-image and feel more confident.

Name three positive people in your life. 

If you have low self-esteem, there might be people close to you who encourage the negative beliefs and opinions that you have about yourself. It is important to identify these people and take action to stop them from doing this, perhaps by becoming more assertive (see details on assertiveness later in this section) or by limiting how much time you spend with them.

Identify anyone who may be negative in your life.

List three things you can do to reduce the effect they have on you.

Set yourself a challenge

If you set yourself goals and work towards achieving them, you will feel satisfied and proud of yourself when you achieve your goal, and feel more positive about yourself as a consequence.

However, it is important to make sure the challenge you set yourself is one that you can realistically achieve. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly large but should have meaning for you. For example, you might decide to start going to a regular exercise class or call a friend to see how they are.

Think of three challenges:

  • In the next week
  • In the next month 
  • In the next 3 months

Feeling positive and healthy

It is also important to feel positive and healthy. The following will help you achieve this:

Looking after your physical health can help you feel happier and healthier, and improve your self-image.

Physical activity helps improve people’s sense of wellbeing and image of themselves. Exercise releases endorphins – ‘feel-good’ hormones that can help improve your mood, particularly if you do it outside.

Lack of sleep can cause negative feelings to be exaggerated and means you can feel less confident, so it’s important to make sure you get enough sleep.

Eating a well-balanced diet at regular meal-times with plenty of water and vegetables will help you to feel healthier and happier. Stopping or reducing your alcohol intake, and avoiding tobacco and recreational drugs can also help improve your general wellbeing.

As we have identified earlier how you think is very important in how you see yourself.

Learn to identify and challenge negative beliefs
If you are going to improve your self-esteem, it will help to understand more about your negative beliefs about yourself and where they came from. (See section on self-talk)

Focus on positive things
If you have low self-esteem, it can take practice to get used to thinking more positively about yourself.

Exercise 2 – How I see myself

One way you can do this is by making a list of things that you like about yourself.

You might include:

  • things about your personality
  • things about the way that you look
  • things that you do
  • things you are good at- your skills.

Keep this list and look at a different part of it every day. If you are feeling anxious or worried about an event, such as a job interview, you can use it to remind yourself of the good things about yourself.

If you struggle to come up with a list of good things, you could ask your partner or a trusted friend to help you begin. This may also help you to see how others may have a higher opinion of you than you do.

Another technique is to write down at least three things that went well or that you have achieved that day before you go to sleep. Some people also find it helpful to keep objects that make them feel good about themselves e.g. cards and letters which they can keep in a ‘feel good box.’

Try mindfulness techniques
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. It has been shown to help people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, it is easier to manage them.

Learn to be assertive

Self Esteem and Assertiveness

People with low self-esteem often struggle to be assertive; this can be because they don’t feel they deserve to be listened to. However, learning to be assertive and being able to share your views with others can help improve your self-esteem. Once you can see other people value your views then you can see it yourself.

Learn to be assertive

Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive or passive.

Assertive individuals are able to get their point of view across without upsetting others, or becoming upset themselves. Someone who is assertive states their needs and opinions clearly, so that people take notice. Being assertive is a skill which can be developed.  It requires patience and practice and can result in positive communication, better decision making and less of the negative feelings which contribute to anger, worry and anxiety.

To be assertive you need to speak up for yourself in a way that does not disrespect the other person. It can involve saying no, which can be difficult, especially if it is a family member or friend who is asking us to do something.

Here is a list of things that might help:

  • Ask the person if you can talk to them on their own- don’t include other people
  • Remember that you want to maintain the relationship and that most people do not intend to deliberately hurt your feelings
  • Remember if something upsets you, you have the right to speak up about it
  • Pay attention to your body language as well as to the words you say – try to be open and confident.
    Keep your voice calm and low, look the other person in the eye, stand up straight so that you look confident (even if you don’t feel it)
  • Try to express your feelings if you have been upset – wait until you feel calm and explain clearly how you feel.
  • Stick to the point
  • Give the other person the benefit of the doubt.  They may not even realise they have upset you or done anything wrong, so what you say may come as a surprise
  • Allow people a chance to respond-sometimes people need a chance to reflect on things before they can understand your point.
  • Tell people if you need more time or support with tasks that you find challenging.
  • Say ‘no’ to unreasonable requests.

Reflection: self esteem and assertiveness


Look at the list below. Congratulate yourself for all of the things that you have done in the last week. For the ones you haven’t tried yet think about how they may help you and how you can include them in your day to day life.

  • Do activities that you enjoy.
  • Spend time with positive, supportive people.
  • Set yourself an achieveable challenge.
  • Be helpful and considerate to others.
  • Try not to compare yourself to other people.
  • Try to do regular exercise, eat healthily and get enough sleep.
  • Be assertive – don’t let people treat you with a lack of respect.
  • Use self-help books and websites to develop helpful skills, like assertiveness or mindfulness.
  • Learn to challenge your negative beliefs.
  • Acknowledge your positive qualities and things you are good at.
  • Get into the habit of thinking and saying positive things about yourself.

Self-praise is an important part of improving your self-esteem, while it may feel uncomfortable at first, it gets easier and really helps to build towards a better more positive future. Don’t forget to give yourself praise every time you achieve one of the above.

It can be difficult for people to express their feelings assertively. It is important to state how you feel using ‘I’ statements, as no one can disagree with how you feel and it doesn’t sound like you are blaming the other person. For example if you said to someone ‘you make me feel lonely’ versus ‘I feel lonely’. It can be helpful to have a structure to how you share difficult feelings.

Here is an example:

DESCRIBE THE SITUATION – “when we don’t spend time together”
SPECIFY WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN – “I would like us to have at least one evening a week together”
STATE THE OUTCOME – “that way we can have quality time together”

Wellbeing and self-care

These sections will help you learn healthy ways to communicate, express yourself and challenge negative self-talk to improve your self-esteem.

View modules

This module aims to help you focus on looking after yourself so that you are able to undertake any changes needed to address your thoughts and behaviour.

What is self-care?
Self-care means being mindful of our own needs to improve our own physical, mental and emotional health
Wellbeing assessment
If we are looking after our bodies, we will be able to think and feel better too
Exercise 1: setting self-care goals
Some self-care strategies are straightforward and easy to use on a daily basis, and others need more practice and attention but are hugely worthwhile
Self-care strategies
There are many strategies that can be helpful when feeling anxious, stressed discomfort, or emotional distress.
Exercise 2: using self-care strategies
Having thought about, and hopefully practiced, some of the self-care techniques, think about what you can add to your self-care plan
Useful organisations
Additional, useful organisations if you are concerned about your self-care
The importance of sleep
Most people say that good quality sleep is important to their general sense of well-being
Reflection: self-care
Self-care is an important element in your journey to understanding your risky online behaviour and moving away from it, towards a better future

The exercises in this module aim to help you get more in tune with your body so that you notice how it is responding in different situations.

Recognising and dealing with feelings
Emotions are the sensations in the body as a result of something that happens to us.
How thoughts affect feelings
Our thoughts, values and beliefs all affect how we interpret our emotions
Dealing with anger, worry and stress
The following will help you deal with some common negative emotions but can also be applied to others.
Reflection: recognising and dealing with feelings
Reflecting on what you learnt about your feelings and emotions

This module aims to help you explore and gain understanding of the interaction between thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can notice inappropriate sexual fantasies and behaviours.

The link between thoughts, feelings and behaviour
Although sexual behaviour can be influenced by numerous factors, it is not outside of your control
Exercise 1: Understanding thoughts, feelings and behaviours
You need to change the problematic thoughts and feelings which influence your behaviour
Exercise 2: Understanding thoughts, feelings and behaviours
Remember that sexual thoughts, whatever they are, don’t determine behaviour by themselves
Sexual fantasy
A sexual fantasy can lead to a physical response in our body and/or a bodily response can trigger a sexual fantasy
Exercise: Fantasy diary
Create a fantasy diary to keep a record of your fantasies

This module helps you to develop strategies to help you deal with difficult thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Management strategies
Strategies to manage inappropriate thoughts and behaviours
Common thinking errors
How you think about a situation can impact on your ability to successfully address thinking patterns or behaviour

Identify where you are in your readiness to make changes and take initial steps to change harmful behaviours.

The stages of change
‘Change’ means different things for different people and each person will have different goals when using this guide.
Setting goals
Think about some positive goals that will help you move towards being the person you want to be
Short term changes to your concerning thoughts and behaviour
It can also be useful to make some changes specifically connected to problematic behaviour.

The conversations you have with yourself can be destructive or beneficial. They influence how you feel about yourself and how you respond to events in your life. This module helps you recognise negative self-talk and change your inner voice.

What you say to yourself in your mind is called self-talk.
Changing negative to positive self-talk
You need to be aware of the nature of your self-talk and be determined to shift any negative thinking to positive
Reflection: self-talk
Keep a diary for a week of any negative things you say to yourself.

The role self-esteem plays in helping create an offence free life.

Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to other people
Feeling positive and healthy
It is also important to feel positive and healthy
Learn to be assertive
People with low self-esteem often struggle to be assertive; this can be because they don’t feel they deserve to be listened to
Reflection: self esteem and assertiveness
Self-praise is an important part of improving your self-esteem, while it may feel uncomfortable at first

This module aims to help you recognise if you’re feeling shame and ways you can overcome it so that you can build a positive and offence free life.

What are guilt and shame?
Guilt and shame are often talked about as the same emotions but there are some key differences.
Exercise: recognising shame
We can experience and recognise shame in different ways, including physical, emotional and behavioural signs.
How to deal with shame
Techniques you can use to manage your feelings of shame
Guilt and shame – reflection
Holding on to shame can affect your ability to move forward positively

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